Blizzcon 2010: Pre-Game

I’ve been incredibly neglectful of updating this site, something that will probably change in the coming weeks as Rock Band 3, WoW: Cataclysm and a number of other big holiday releases hit shelves. There’s a lot of experimenting I’d like to do with the site, from basic formatting to integration with Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / iPhone, so apologies if there are weird glitches here and there while I work through it.

As for Blizzcon, that starts in about 9 hours, with opening ceremonies at 11AM, followed by a Diablo 3 panel at noon and a WoW dungeons / raids panel at 1:30. I wouldn’t expect much out of the opening ceremonies — they’ll show the latest trailers and cinematics on the giant screen in ear-shattering surround sound — but they’ll probably save any major announcements for the individual panels.

I keep joking about last year’s show, when Blizzard announced the huge WoW stats overhaul (that finally took place a week ago with the 4.0.1 patch), and the crowd kept gasping the whole way through. It’s hard to expect anything on that level this year, but I’m holding out hope that if they have any blockbuster stuff going down, it’ll be in the Diablo 3 camp.