GDC 09: Star Tracking Coming to Rock Band 2?

At Dan Teasdale’s Rock Band 2 GDC session Friday morning, he mentioned that Harmonix was looking towards adding a patch that would add star-tracking ratings to Rock Band 2 as well as future titles. It was pretty vague — there was no mention of timing or what other features might be in such a patch — but it’s a feature many dedicated Rock Band players miss from the old game, so it’ll be nice when it finally arrives.

I actually let out a little “whoo” at the news,  which was mentioned in a Destructoid post on the same subject, which leads me to wonder: if it was important enough to report, why was I the only one cheering? C’mon, kids, snark is easy. Show some balls!

(As for the rest of Teasdale’s talk, I’m doing a short writeup on it, which I’ll be posting shortly.)